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CELPIP연습(EXPERT TEST by Christien Lee) SPEAKING Test 1-Sample2 본문


CELPIP연습(EXPERT TEST by Christien Lee) SPEAKING Test 1-Sample2

!@------@! 2022. 7. 1. 18:48



Task 1- Sample Response with Analysis

말하기  문제 과제 1 -Practice 1- 2


Task 1:Giving Advice         Preparation  Time: 30 seconds Recording Time: 90 seconds


Task 1- Sample Response with Analysis


Read the prompt and the model response by a test expert. Then read the analysis of the response.

This will help you understand how to give effective, high -scoring responses to Task 1 questions.



One of your friends is thinking about quitting his job and going back to college. Advise him on the advantages and disadvantages of doing this

친구중 한명이 직장을 그만두고, 다시 공부를 하려고 합니다. 그에게 장점과 단점을 말해주세요. 





Hi, David, I understand that you're thinking about quitting your job and going back to college to study.

As you know, I did that a few years ago, so perhaps I can give you some advice.

안녕하세요. 데이비드, 나는 이해합니다. 당신이 직장을 그만두고, 공부할 예정이라는 것을 

당신이 알듯이 내도 몇 년 전에 그랬고, 나는 당신에게 몇 가지 도움의 말을 할 수 있을 듯합니다. 


Body of Speech 


On the on hand, there are definitely some benefits to your plan.  For one thing, imporving your education may help you in the future. Getting an MBA definitely helped me find a really great job because employers wanted somebody with an advanced qualification. And for another thing, I know that you really dislike your current position at ABC industries, so maybe a career change would be good for you.


한 가지  정말로 당신의 계획은 좋은 점이 있어요. 학위를 높이는 것은 미래에 당신에게 도움이 됩니다. 내가 MBA를 얻은 것은 좋은 직장을 얻는데 도움이 되었거든요. 왜냐하면 고용주는 좀 더 숙련된 자격을 가진 사람을 원하거든요. 다른 것은 나는 알고 있어요. 당신이 ABC회사에서  지금의 자리를 좋아하지 않는다는 것을. 그래서 그 직업을 바꾸는 것이 당신에게 좋을 것이라고 생각합니다. 


On the other hand, there are some possible drawbacks to your idea. First, the economy may not be in a good state in the future. As a result, you might find it hard to get a job after you graduate from college. And second college fees are high right now. This means that you might be in financial trouble if you decide to go back to school.


다른 한편으로는 당신의 생각에 단점이 있을 수 있어요. 먼저 경제가 미래에 좋지 않을 것 같아요. 결과적으로 

 당신이 졸업 후 좋은 직장을  잡는다는 것이 힘들 수가 있을 거여요. 이것은 당신이 다시 공부를 한다고 결정한다면 경제적인 문제가 있을 거라는 의미입니다.




Anyway, whatever you decide to do, I'm sure you'll have a lot of success in the future.  

어쨌든 네가 결정한 것에 대해서. 나는 확신합니다. 당신이 미래에 큰 성공을 거두리라는 것을 




Hi, David,

I understand that you're thinking about quitting your job and going back to college to study.

As you know, I did that a few years ago, so perhaps I can give you some advice.


On the on hand, there are definitely some benefits to your plan.  For one thing, imporving your education may help you in the future. Getting an MBA definitely helped me find a really great job because employers wanted somebody with an advanced qualification. And for another thing, I know that you really dislike your current position at ABC industries, so maybe a career change would be good for you.


On the other hand, there are some possible drawbacks to your idea. First, the economy may not be in a good state in the future. As a result, you might find it hard to get a job after you graduate from college. And second college fees are high right now. This means that you might be in financial trouble if you decide to go back to school.


Anyway, whatever you decide to do, I'm sure you'll have a lot of success in the future. 





Writing Practice for CELPIP - Test Expert  by Christien Lee

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